Self Realization

What is self realization
Knowing who “I” am is self realization , If i simplifies it further “It is the gateway to eternal happiness (i.e when you finally found something that will forever make you happy)
When people heard the word “Self Realization” It suddenly creates an image on their mind of some monk or sadhu in himalayan cave.
It’s not like to get or acquire self realization you have to have a monk or sadhu it is not true.In simple it’s just choosing an atmosphere you are living It can be with your family or alone or with friends.
Lets talk or think in practicality ( not a in way like monk in himalayan caves :) ), I don't want to talk about anything that is not in you experience yet or else you will lose touch with reality.
The simple path to self realization is to “Learn you own ability / Reading your own User’s Manual”
Knowing yourself / Reading your own User’s Manual
For example if you want to work on anything , Lets say a computer or mobile , the better you know about the machine, the more control you have on it ,and the more usability you will know about it.You can do more meaningful things by using it.It is same with the people around you , your family , friends , people working with the better you know them the better you can deal with them.Whatever you wish deal with.. the more you know the more efficient way you can deal with.
Why is it that you don’t see this about yourself?
The more you know about this piece of life, which you refer to as “I,” the better your grasp over this and the better your ability to handle it, which definitely gives you more access to life. In other words, self-realization is a way of knowing this piece of life in a much better way than the way you currently know it. You may know something about your thought process, your personality and your emotions — you may have been psycho-analyzed already — but you still do not know anything about the nature of this life — how this happens, where it comes from, where it goes, what is its nature. If you do not know anything about the machine that you are handling, you will handle it by accident.
Please look at this. What do you know about this piece of life? When you live accidentally and exist here as an accident, you are a potential calamity. Whether you actually become a calamity or not, you are a potential calamity. If you live here as a potential calamity, to be anxious and fearful is very natural, and that is how life is happening.
Do not think of self-realization as some weird thing that some yogi does in a Himalayan cave. It is not about that. It is just that if you want to live your life with a certain ease, Self-realization is not a choice; it is a must.