Installing MongoDB on Windows Machine
If you are trying something new for your database there is a new technique which called the document based data base which can be achieved by using database like MongoDB,CouchDB or RethinkDB.Lets start with MongoDB will check the steps for Installing on windows.
Step 1.
Download the MongoDB executables for Windows from here and installed it .
Step 2:
Now you can navigates to your C:\Program Files\ MongoDB you can see there a directory called MongoDB ,Navigate inside C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin and inside bin you can see there are bunch of executable like in the below picture.
Now we only need 1. mongo 2.mongod , The first one mongo is used to run the mongo queries from command line and 2nd one mongod is used start the mongodb server on the local machine.
Step 3:
Now make a directory /data/db on your hard drive you can use the command type this mkdir /data/db This is the location where all your database info are stored.
Step 4:
Now go to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongod from the command line now it will start the MongoDB service on port 27107.You can see something like below picture on your command-line

Now MongoDB server started.
Step 5
Now open another command prompt to write our mongoDB querires
type C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongo from command prompt now it will connect to the default database “test” like the below picture
Now Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
Will update on queries on MongoDB. Thanks….
Originally published at on November 19, 2016.